Monday, December 10, 2012

Are you Pinterested?

I found three very cute blogs that have creative purposes, so I decided to share them with everyone. I am totally going to use these in the future.

Kindergarten Klub- A blog with all the know hows or activity ideas.

Welcome to room 36- A blog that shows what goes on in the classroom, from classroom activities to schoolwork.

Organized Chaos- This is a cute blog about all of the crafts that go on in that classroom that uses paint, clay, and miscellaneous items. Items such as screws, bolts, pen caps, can tabs, etc.

Christmas counting idea

Also, I have found more than three ideas to use in the classroom. For instance, non-messy finger painting, the very hungry Caterpillar, a Christmas tree out of paper plates, etc. Right: this allows children to count the ornaments on the tree up to ten.
Paper plate Christmas tree craft for Kindergarten.Left: this allows the class to get creative when making a tree

Very Hungry Caterpillar Retelling from Mrs. Plant's PressAn interactive way when reading the Very Hungry Caterpillar.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

I'll just Procrastinate later

    Procrastination is the misuage of time or poor time management. When people procrasinate, they become backed up on work, then get stressed out, and try to figure out a way to finish everything before a certain date. For example, the end of the six weeks, or grading period. This describes how I do homework everyday. I will constanly not finish my homework, then wonder why I have such a bad grade in my classes, So, I figured a way to over come this procrastination disease. I am going to set realistic goals, keep my eyes on the prize, then work to get to the finish line.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Best Field Trip

   After looking at the blog this week, I got to thinking about an awesome field trip that I have taken as a student. I came up with two, fourth grade field trip to the Rangers Stadium and Education and Training field trip to the State Fair of Texas. Both gave a fun trip away from the normal events of school, and is also educational.

   Going to the Rangers Stadium during my fourth grade year was really memorable by several aspects. For instance, the fourth graders got the opportunity to have a VIP tour of the whole stadium and have hands on learning in the museum.

    The State Fair is certaintly an exciting place to be. From the fried, well everything, to the educational show rooms. There are many opportunities to learn of the different cultures within a few hours.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Ethical Dilemma

This week on Mrs. Steven's blog, it talked about what happens online can effect people.

Cyberbullying is a serious thing where people of all ages use the comfort of their homes to post items to blow off stem. To prevent this is, one could ask permission before using photos or just not post their anger.

I believe that the way the situtation was handled was not accurate, yet careful. The situtation should have been handled by having Mark go to a teacher and tell them about what happened. In most cases, Mark's tip can be anonymous, so he doesn't have to worry about being called a snitch, especially when he is doing the right thing. Another idea would be to get off of the Facebook group. Mark doesn't need to be tied down to this group, and he can still see them at the school.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Why do I want to be a Teacher?

Mrs. Stevens blog asked why you wanted to be a teacher. Well, I want to be a teacher because I have had great teachers that know how to do it right, plus I am really good with kids.

Since middle school, I have been babysitting and have had a blast. I have always been good around kids and I have always loved school. Why not combine the experience of school and the being to teach kids?

Several people are credited for the love for teaching. My Kindergarten, First, Fourth-Eleventh grade teachers. That may be quite a bit of people, but their way of teaching got to me as something great.

Friday, August 31, 2012

When you go to the website of, they show many ways of how to become a teacher. For instance, you can transfer your teaching certificate from one state to another, and use for resources to find the right job.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Even though school is out for the summer and there aren't any assignments to blog about, I thought why not just do a blog anyway? I mean its good practice and it gives a good excuse to not be bored. Each week I will do my best to write about what is going on during the summer.

For starters, I have gone to Six Flags twice already. It is a once a week thing and it's great! Each time that I have gone there has been close to noone! To make that clearer, I would walk up to the ride and get on the ride as soon as the gates opened for the next turn. That happened at every ride. Awefully unusual for the summer, but great for people like me!

Band has also filled up the summer. The fifth of June was the first day of masterclasses. Basically to explain this, it is a class where band kids of the same section get together to learn music, play their instrument, and learn to march. The frenchhorn section has an extra thing to learn; we have to learn or re-learn how to play with a melophone (marching frenchhorn). Usually, frenchhorn players use the left hand to push down the keys. In marching band, however, us frenchhorn players must learn to play with our right hand. This is a sort of difficult task, especially when we are so used to playing with the left hand.

Next week will be an add on. So far this summer has been a great introduction to Senior year.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Year in Thought

For me, every new class that I take, Im always a little nervous. The beginning of this year, whenever I was called to talk in front of the class, any class, I would freak out, turn bright red and become blank in the brain. This class has taught me to be able to get in front of the class without getting butterflies. This past year has been great with everything I have learned. Once I was in the classroom, the internship brought the different sides of what a teacher really deals with. However, this internship has taught me that being a teacher is alot harder than the kids think it to be. I have decided that teaching is what I am meant to do. A few reasons would be, I am great wih kids, I have always been the teacher type, and I honestly can't see myself in any other positional job. Im not so sure how to have closure with my classroom experience, yet I do know that I can't wait to see what next year will bring. The BCTAL is a great place to learn the right career path

Monday, April 23, 2012

Smart Technology

After learning about the smartboard and the Ipad, I have found some ideas that could help with future lessons. For instance, on the Ipad, I found a cool game that helps with kindergarten math. This allows the child to figure out math problems with bright pictures and bold fonts. Another game I found is the ABC Phonics game. This game is a fun way to learn the correct spelling of different animals, while unlocking new animals to play with. For the Ipad, many apps are available and make everyday learning fun. The same is with the smartboard. Just recently, I figured out that Hardeman has a few smartboards. Not only did this get me excited, but it also got me to thinking about lesson plans in the future. One cool lesson that I found was All About Shapes. This is a great way to teach kids to get the concept of a shape and what it looks like. This has many activities showing what each shape looks like with different photos.  All of this from each is mainly aimed toward Kindergarten students.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Financial Literacy Can Pay Off!

Through out the journey of our school career,we find that some of the objectives taught to us are practically useless in the real world. For instance, most jobs don't use the log, tan, and other math terms to get the job done. Teaching elementary, and middle school is a prime example of not using intermediate math. Now if the math was taught in a way that helps the students to save money instead of spending it, there would be a better chance that kids could get into college better.

Since this is the technology age, taking classes that teach the ins and outs of the technology, can really help later in life. For instance, taking D.I.M. and Education and Training, has taught me how to use different computors and websites concerning everything that will benefit for me in the future. My senior year is almost here and I wish that I had taken a financial class, so that I can have money for college. I'm not very good at saving money. Nor can I afford college the way I want. Having a financial class is a very good investment, especially when looking at the future.

Monday, March 26, 2012

What Teachers Want Parents to Know

The communication between parents, their children, and the teachers usually lack the understanding of each other. The teacher might say one thing to the student, but the student says it completely different to the parent, getting the parent mad. In other words, it's a game of Telephone.

I would say that a teacher needs for the parent(s) to understand that sometimes the child isnt always right. In fact, they usually aren't right. They most likely don't know the material and what goes on in a classroom. Plus, the parents haven't been in their child's grade in a while. Tons of things have changed and will continue to change in the future. Another thing that I believe would be effective is the parents making the choice to go to the teacher before higher authorities. Most of the time, this will be resolved before a mess is made.

When parents are partners not prosecutors, this helps ease the tension between everyone. In the kindergarten class I learn from, the teacher has several different parents helping out as partners. They help with filing, grading, testing, etc. This allows for less false accusations against the teacher. After reading the article helps to prove that.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

We are Family

Watching The Ron Clark Story, gave me a new look on things. The first rule he had in his classroom was everyone being family. That to me, is pretty important. No matter what happens at home, school life is and should be different. There isn't a need to do unwanted chores, or to be around tough home situations. The reason he put so much importance on this particular rule was to get a unity atmosphere going in order to get the class in order. A visual of the family feeling is when Matthew Perry, in The Ron Clark story, has everyone in his class light a candle. This is to symbolize the coming together of different people.
The movie

The Real Ron Clark
This story has inspired me to write a few rules myself.
  1.    When a someone is talking, all computors shut and cell phones away, that way there is awareness and involvement    without distraction.
  2. Honest is modest. Without honesty, the classroom can't function.
  3. Homework for other classes can be finished after the assignment for the current class is completed. On time.
  4. The best friends come from listening to each other. Talking out of turn can cut out the valuable information.
  5. Being prepared is a great way to be ready to learn about new things. There is always something to be learned with various objects.

Glogster in the Classroom

Rachel's Glogster

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Hire me, please!

This week on Mrs. Stevens blog...
Everyone has what makes them special. Their strengths, their weaknesses and the in between. When in an interview, my srengths would my attitude toward my future boss, the firm handshake that is a must, and my ability to be on time. However, my weaknesses are the constant moving, not strong enough eye contact, and the repetition of several words at a time. When in a new surrounding, or with a person, I look at the features, learning as much as I can, without getting too distracted. Learning to dissolve my weaknesses can only make my strengths stronger. I can only dissolve my weaknesses when I focus on them. Once I start applying for jobs, I will put these first impression tactics.  

Monday, February 13, 2012

Creativity Counts

This week on Mrs. Stevens blog...
 Creativity is the original idea of someone that is taking a different look at things and making it interesting.
When in education, creativity is the best thing that gets everything going. Every subject requires creativity. This mainly happens when there is a project involved. Creativity does indeed matter in education, because it allows the students to be different from the other students and shows the distinctness of everyone. Every single person is made differently, and can not be required to do the same exact thing as everyone else does.

These girls are all required to dress alike, but that doesn't mean that they aren't required to make the same creation. Below shows the creative mind if allowed.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Make it Happen in 2012!

This week on Mrs. Steven's blog...
1. I want to be sure that I stop the procrastination during the second semester. In order to stop the procrastination, I must work on the assignment the moment I it instead of Facebooking, Youtubing, and watching television. By focusing on the given assignment, not the entertainment that is so tempting, I can get the work done, therefore, eliminating procrastination a little at a time.

2. I would like to improve my grades during the second semester. In order to do this, I must spend a little less time on the internet each day and to focus more on my studies. Also, I must make sure that the homework gets turned in on time, completed. If I improve my grades, I will have an easier time at home, getting into college, and I can have some slack just in case there is a slip(which there won't be.)

 3. I want to make sure that I am organized and prepared for the week. In order to do this, I must pack my backpack the night before and write down all of the homework to be done when I am at school. By doing this, I am able to stop procrastination, and get all homework done, then turned in on time. This allows me to get really good grades.

Monday, January 9, 2012

The Ideal Classroom

This week on Mrs. Steven's blog...
The Ideal Classroom. Now most people would think that the ideal classroom are desks everywhere in the classroom with books, some posters and other learning equipment needed for that age group. However, I believe that an ideal classroom for kindergarten would be having some home-like items in the classroom. There would be a playhouse, beanbags, and learning centers

Grinch or Santa?

This week on Mrs. Steven's blog
I personally think that having Christmas and other holidays in the classroom, is a great way to acknowledge other cultures of the student and faculty. The educators are always talking about how everyone should be learning or teaching about the other cultures in this society. Don't forget about religion either. The school board is always worried about trying to get Santa and the Easter Bunny to "disappear". In actuality Christianity has basically disappeared from the public school system. Christianity is a culture in itself.  This picture is a picture that shows most of the holidays.