Monday, March 4, 2013

Tiger Day

As the end of my high school career is coming to an end, it is the right time to make sure that the college that I want to go to is still the one I want to go to. In order for that to happen, I went to the campus of East Texas Baptist University yesterday for their showcase day or better known as Tiger day.

For this trip, I went with a group of friends from my church. We took the church bus and drove out there at five in the morning. This trip happens to take three and half hours, with Tiger day starting at 9:00. So of course, I fell asleep.

Now I am just going to skip ahead to when we arrived at the campus. ETBU is a small campus in the middle of Marshall, Texas with tall pine trees everywhere. We take the time to drive the campus, which takes a total of five minutes. Like I said, it is small. I was probably the only student that has been to the campus before, so  I felt at home as we drove the campus, and looked at the different buildings.

Once we parked, we went to the chapel to start our day. The best part was how some of the members that I met from the previous times that I had been there, had remembered me. This kind of thing doesn't happen at the bigger colleges, so it was a good feeling. As the day got under way, I found some of my friends that are at ETBU already, and got to talk for a while. In the sanctuary, there were different presentation boards on the stage showing the many things and activities that one can be involved while at ETBU. Activities such as band, communication, SGA, theater, and many others. I don't remember what SGA and communication mean, but it sounds really interesting. As the day progresses, I went on a tour, went to an Education session, and went to lunch where the pizza was pretty good. After lunch, there was a chance to go to the bookstore or roam the campus for a few minutes. I went of by myself at one point and I just stood in one place. I could feel the peace as I looked at the scenery.

This campus may be famous for "Ring by Spring" but is also known for other great aspects. "Ring by Spring" means that girls go to find future preachers and will become engaged by the springtime. The other great aspects are the teaching program, nursing program, sports, and their fine arts are known for all of their hardwork. This just makes ETBU a really great school. I am very excited to see how God will use me at this great place.

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