Friday, May 10, 2013

A thought of appreciation.

This week on Mrs. Stevens blog, we reflect on our teachers, past and present.

Even though there are many appreciation days for certain people, i.e. memorial day, labor day, mother's day, father's day, etc. There is one week that stands out for me. That week happens to be teacher appreciation week. I use this week to say thanks to every teacher that has helped me along the way.

I found this video on YouTube that explains everything that I am thankful and appreciate my teachers for doing.

Along with Teacher appreciation week, I wrote a letter to my band director. Here is what I wrote him.

Dear Mr. Hull,
            I appreciate everything that you do to make this band successful in every way. With those long hours that you put in and selfless planning in making our marching band show a show to remember. I am inspired by your optimistic view of the potential to make the band great.
                                         Thank you so much for everything.
                                                                                    Rachel Woods

Teachers, I appreciate everything that you have to put up with and all of the late papers. Thank you.

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