Monday, March 26, 2012

What Teachers Want Parents to Know

The communication between parents, their children, and the teachers usually lack the understanding of each other. The teacher might say one thing to the student, but the student says it completely different to the parent, getting the parent mad. In other words, it's a game of Telephone.

I would say that a teacher needs for the parent(s) to understand that sometimes the child isnt always right. In fact, they usually aren't right. They most likely don't know the material and what goes on in a classroom. Plus, the parents haven't been in their child's grade in a while. Tons of things have changed and will continue to change in the future. Another thing that I believe would be effective is the parents making the choice to go to the teacher before higher authorities. Most of the time, this will be resolved before a mess is made.

When parents are partners not prosecutors, this helps ease the tension between everyone. In the kindergarten class I learn from, the teacher has several different parents helping out as partners. They help with filing, grading, testing, etc. This allows for less false accusations against the teacher. After reading the article helps to prove that.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

We are Family

Watching The Ron Clark Story, gave me a new look on things. The first rule he had in his classroom was everyone being family. That to me, is pretty important. No matter what happens at home, school life is and should be different. There isn't a need to do unwanted chores, or to be around tough home situations. The reason he put so much importance on this particular rule was to get a unity atmosphere going in order to get the class in order. A visual of the family feeling is when Matthew Perry, in The Ron Clark story, has everyone in his class light a candle. This is to symbolize the coming together of different people.
The movie

The Real Ron Clark
This story has inspired me to write a few rules myself.
  1.    When a someone is talking, all computors shut and cell phones away, that way there is awareness and involvement    without distraction.
  2. Honest is modest. Without honesty, the classroom can't function.
  3. Homework for other classes can be finished after the assignment for the current class is completed. On time.
  4. The best friends come from listening to each other. Talking out of turn can cut out the valuable information.
  5. Being prepared is a great way to be ready to learn about new things. There is always something to be learned with various objects.

Glogster in the Classroom

Rachel's Glogster