Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Year in Thought

For me, every new class that I take, Im always a little nervous. The beginning of this year, whenever I was called to talk in front of the class, any class, I would freak out, turn bright red and become blank in the brain. This class has taught me to be able to get in front of the class without getting butterflies. This past year has been great with everything I have learned. Once I was in the classroom, the internship brought the different sides of what a teacher really deals with. However, this internship has taught me that being a teacher is alot harder than the kids think it to be. I have decided that teaching is what I am meant to do. A few reasons would be, I am great wih kids, I have always been the teacher type, and I honestly can't see myself in any other positional job. Im not so sure how to have closure with my classroom experience, yet I do know that I can't wait to see what next year will bring. The BCTAL is a great place to learn the right career path