Saturday, January 5, 2013


The nation is in shambles, mixed emotions of anger and sadness, the innocent blood spilled, and for what? To outlaw guns? Or for Lanza to get all of the attention that he is always wanted? School is supposed to be a safe haven for not only students, but for teachers and administration as well. And now? We must have a prison-like security system, just to keep the children safe, and outlaw guns. No matter what we do for protection, creeps, and physcos will find their way in.

The world may never know why or how something so upsetting, so heartbreaking, can come about to a small town with great reputation for their schools. However, because of this tragedy, people have realized that teachers are common day heroes. They not only teach the future adults of America to be a better citizen,  but are willing to die for their students safety.

In memory of the fallen teachers, and the slain children, people have donated thousands of teddy bears, food, and other items to help the mourning families that lost their pride and joy.

There was such an overflow of items, that the city has decided they will bury them and have it be sacred soil for memorial.

"We must educate ourselves to be better equipped for the future" This is a great quote from Mrs. Stevens after hearing of this tragedy.

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